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Desperado - The Eagles

For most guitar beginners, the most rewarding part of learning guitar is the ability to play songs. In the beginning, this can be touch, but yet tricky - there are so many songs out there, and most of them are too difficult for novices. The following...

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Learning Guitar Major Chord Inversions

Learning Guitar Major Chord Inversions

Everyone knows how to play an Amajor chord. At this point, you should probably be able to play the A major chord three ways - the open Amajor chord, and the two barre chord shapes (one with a root on sixth string, and one with root on fifth string). If...

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Learn Freeting Basics on Guitar Easily

Learn Freeting Basics on Guitar Easily

Fretting Basics on the Guitar Is better fretting the next thing to practice on your guitar mastery list? Keep your chords clean and resonant with these tips from a pro on the basics of fretting. Guitar Fretting Pressure The first thing you want to know...

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